Democrats are the enemy of democracy

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

We had two big speeches from Washington on Wednesday.

Neither one was very encouraging for those of us who worry about our fragile democracy and the futures of our kids and grandkids.

Bibi Netanyahu gave a great speech in the House of Representatives, defending Israel’s war in Gaza and trying to rally support from U.S. politicians – i.e., Republicans, mostly.

Many Democrats stayed away from Bibi’s speech or cut out early, like Senator Chuck Schumer.

They were afraid to offend the left-wing Democrats that have fractured their party by supporting the Palestinians in Gaza and arguing against further U.S. military aid for Israel.

Rashida Tlaib at least showed up, but she was spotted in the audience holding a sign that read “guilty of genocide” on one side and “war criminal” on the other.

Tlaib’s sign echoed those being carried by the “mostly peaceful” 2,000 anti-Israeli protestors outside, five of whom were arrested for breaking into the Capitol Building.

As for the Democrat Party’s brave and principled leaders, one was conspicuously absent – VP Kamala Harris.

The party’s presumptive 2024 presidential nominee couldn’t attend Bibi’s speech. Conveniently, she had to deliver a very important address to the historically black sorority Zeta Phi Beta.

President Biden was AWOL, too.

While Bibi spoke, he was either having his nap or practicing his Wednesday night Oval Office speech where he explained to the nation why he was selflessly “handing the torch” to young Kamala.

I watched Biden’s “torch” speech. It was pitiful. He looked worse than he did in his disastrous TV debate with Trump. He could barely read the teleprompter.

The Biden hero-worshippers on “Morning Joe” saw a selfless hero and swallowed every word and cliche their beloved president said.

But I saw a sad man who’s not going to make it to the end of his term – or maybe not even to the convention.

Meanwhile, it drove me crazy on Wednesday to watch the vandalism being committed by the anti-Israeli protestors in Washington.

American flags were taken down and replaced with Palestinian flags at Washington’s Union Station. An American flag was set on fire by protestors. Pro-Hamas graffiti was everywhere.

Even the replica of the Liberty Bell outside the train station was defaced with hateful and obscene antisemitic graffiti. We know nothing will happen to the 200 rioters who were arrested in Washington.

On Thursday afternoon Harris – the person who helped bail out rioters in the “mostly peaceful” Summer of Love in 2020 – finally got around to condemning the “despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors.”

But there was little outrage from other top Democrat Party people and their friends in the major liberal media.

While our streets and campuses are crawling with leftwing protestors and pro-Palestine vandals, Democrats are still yammering about the “insurrection” of January 6 and worrying about the existential threat Donald Trump supposedly poses to our democracy.

The Democrats constantly warn everyone about Trump being a wannabe dictator. But I’m tired of hearing them say they are trying to save democracy while they continue to step all over it.

I’ve seen what Democrats did to Biden — and it wasn’t very democratic.

He was no doubt threatened by his party’s bosses with the 25th Amendment – “Get out, Joe, or we’re gonna throw you out. Kamala’s moving in.”

Biden’s victimization by his own tribe was nothing new.

In 2016 Democrat chiefs screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination and put the fix in for Hillary. In 2020 they made every other candidate step aside so Biden could win.

Now in 2024 they’ve essentially tossed a president out of office and replaced him with his VP – with no votes taken by anyone.

So don’t tell the Trump-deranged liberal media, but Democrats have been having their own insurrections for years.

They’ve been taking place behind closed doors, and they were decided by political insiders and Washington elites who are unknown to the public.

They’ve been scaring everyone that if Trump is reelected, there goes democracy. But guess what folks, in the Democrat Party it’s already gone.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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How will Trump react to his brush with death?

Making Sense By Michael Reagan

“This isn’t my father’s Secret Service.”

That’s what I immediately tweeted in response to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Little did I know.

Every day, drip by drip, we get more proof of the incredible incompetence of the agency that is supposed to prevent the kind of shooting that happened in broad daylight near Pittsburgh.

While we wait for the inevitable shocking new revelations about the attempt on Trump’s life, he, his family and millions of other people are saying they believe it was not just luck but an act of God that saved his life.

I bet his experience will have a long-lasting effect on him that will be similar to the profound impact Ronald Reagan’s shooting had on him 43 years ago.

My father and millions of other people believed it was an act of God that saved his life from being ended by the hail of bullets fired by John Hinckley.

We’ll have to wait a year or so to see how Trump reacts, but my father’s near-death experience is why he dedicated the rest of his administration – more than seven years – to God.

One of the lasting effects of surviving an assassination attempt was always knowing that several others were also shot and wounded by bullets that were meant for him.

I remember flying from Washington back to California on Air Force One with my father on Good Friday of 1988. As we were landing, he was counting out the number 9 on his fingers.

I asked why the number 9 was significant. He said, “In nine more months, I’ll no longer be President of the United States.”

“Is that something you’re truly looking forward to?” I asked.

“I am,” he said.

“Ever since I looked out the rear window of my limousine on March 30 of 1981 and saw people laying in their own blood from bullets that were meant for me, I haven’t gone to church on a regular basis, if at all, because I worry about putting people in harm’s way because someone’s after me.

“I’m looking forward to no longer being president so I can, on any given Sunday, begin going to church again to visit my Lord and Savior. That’s why I counted the Number 9.”

After my father left office January 20, 1989, he never missed church on Sunday again. Even when he could no longer go because of his Alzheimer’s, the pastor of Bel Air Presbyterian would come up and minister to him.

I think Donald Trump may be changed by the same haunting thought that people were killed and wounded with bullets meant for him and he wants to reduce the chance of it ever happening again.

It’s interesting to compare the ways Trump and my father reacted to their shootings that reflected their different personalities.

Trump stood up with his fist in the air and defiantly yelled, “Fight, fight, fight.” He basically said, “Screw you, whoever did this.”

My dad handled his more serious injury with humor – with quips like, “Nancy, I forgot to duck” and “I hope all you doctors are Republicans.” And his warning to me the next morning was, “If you ever get shot, don’t be wearing a new suit.”

Both men reacted in ways that were true to themselves. They showed courage. They humanized and personalized a horrible event.

It was like, “You missed me. I’m still Ronald Reagan. I’ve still got a sense of humor.” And “I’m still Donald Trump. You can’t kill me or my movement.”

Both men in their own natural ways endeared themselves to the American public and the world. And in Trump’s case, the iconic images of his defiance and bloodied face virtually clinched his victory in the fall.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Taking a vacation away from politics

Making Sense By Michael Reagan

Being far away from home in Iceland and Britain for the last two weeks was perfect timing.

Just as President Biden was proving to the whole country that he’s incapable of being president for another four years, or another week, I left the madness of American politics and flew off to Europe for a vacation cruise.

As I often have had the pleasure of doing, I traveled with my travel-agent wife Colleen and a bunch of her clients. This time, though, we also took along my two kids Cameron and Ashley and their families.

We Reagans had an especially great time in Iceland.

On Reykjavik’s scenic waterfront we visited the Hofdi House, where my father made world history in 1986.

You’d never suspect that the modest white-washed building was where Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev first met and began the arms talks that would eventually bring a peaceful end to the Cold War.

We traveling Reagans also soaked ourselves in Iceland’s famous Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa whose mineral-rich warm waters are said to be as therapeutic as they are relaxing.

During our trip I also relaxed by watching England and Spain win their soccer matches against the Netherlands and France and make their ways to their showdown in the finals of the European cup. And I saw a lot of the Tour de France on TV.

I deliberately paid very little attention to the daily turmoil, panic and 24/7 BS-ing going on back home in the Democrat Party after Biden’s terrible debate performance against Trump.

I knew the liberal media had turned on their hero Old Joe.

I knew they were pretending to be angry with the Biden administration for misleading them about the alarming extent of his mental decline, when the news media have known about it for years and wouldn’t report it because they were protecting him.

But I was on a pleasure cruise, not a torture ship. So I refused to talk about American politics at dinner or watch it on TV. I also stayed off Twitter and social media.

Now that I’m back home in Los Angeles, I realize I didn’t miss much. The Biden question – does he have to drop out of the race or can he stay in? – has little to do with the undeniably diminished state of his brain or body.

Biden has been a pretend president for four years. It’s the people around and behind him who are calling the shots. They’re the ones writing the scripts and using him as the front man for Obama’s third term.

For the Democrat Party pooh-bahs, it’s all about beating Donald Trump in November and holding on to their power.

Actually, though, it won’t matter who wins, Biden or Trump. Whoever controls the Senate is who is going to control the country’s politics for the next four years.

If the Republicans don’t take the Senate from Democrats, Trump would be at the mercy of Chuck Schumer and he’d get nothing passed.

If Biden wins but Republicans take over the Senate, which, on paper, looks like a good bet, then anything Biden wanted would be blocked by the GOP Senate.

In other words, gridlock in Congress will reign. That’s the reality.

If the country were not in such a Biden-made mess, gridlock would be a blessing.

But the border is wide open and both parties in Washington are wrecking the future with their drunken spending and trillion-dollar annual deficits.

Those and other problems need to be fixed, not kicked down the road for another four years.

Everyone’s talking about Trump’s high poll numbers. That’s hopeful. But even if he wins by a landslide, if Republicans don’t get the Senate it won’t mean a thing.

To paraphrase that crazy old Cajun James Carville, the GOP campaign slogan for 2024 is “It’s the Senate, stupid.”

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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So long, Joe

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Going into Joe Biden’s debate with Donald Trump on CNN, the big question was whether Biden could last 90 minutes.

We found out he couldn’t last 90 seconds.

On Thursday night everyone saw what’s left of the president’s brain and body – and it was not just a disastrous political moment for Joe Biden, it was a sad one.

It wasn’t just that his voice was hoarse at the start.

It wasn’t because of his confused and muddled answers or his five-second freeze about 13 minutes in, which he ended by uttering the mysterious words “we beat Medicare.”

It wasn’t his slack-jawed look, his vacant stare or his usual gaffes or lies about inflation or Afghanistan or his southern border policy.

It wasn’t because of CNN’s split-screen set-up. Or its moderators or their questions, which were actually pretty fair.

It wasn’t because a new and improved Donald Trump suddenly showed up to out-debate Biden with a bunch of Reagan-sharp conservative policy ideas.

Trump was the same old Trump, firing off the same messages, complaints and charges of Democrat corruption and incompetence that we’ve been hearing since 2015.

Nope. It was Joe Biden himself who was responsible for the entire disaster.

He was so awful he would have lost the debate even if Trump hadn’t shown up.

As Brit Hume wisely said afterwards on Fox, nothing either man said about inflation, the border or any other issue mattered to the millions watching.

It was simply about seeing 90 straight minutes of the real Joe Biden in action.

He had no notes with answers to pre-arranged questions. No aides whispering in his ear. No handlers to quickly escort him backstage. No media pals to edit his words or ignore his gaffes.

Over at Fox, Sean Hannity was barely exaggerating when he called Biden’s performance “the biggest trainwreck” of any presidential candidate ever.

The president’s performance was so damning, so pathetic, that Fox’s professional smart-aleck Jesse Watters said he actually felt bad for Biden.

The Democrat politicians and TV pundits who hate Trump so much that they can’t think straight – and who truly believe that Trump is Hitler 2.0 – were in shock after the debate.

CNN’s shamelessly biased White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, who made sure to mention that Trump was “a machine gun of lies,” said what was obvious to his fellow panelists: It was a very bad night for Biden.

They could no longer kid themselves – i.e., lie to themselves – that their hero was mentally and physically capable of running for reelection (or running the country now, if they had been honest).

They could no longer pretend that in private their hero was as sharp as Maggie Thatcher, as a sad and suicidal-looking Joe Scarborough was still insisting on MSNBC Friday morning.

Former Trump White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told the liberals on CNN’s post-debate panel that Biden’s entire campaign was now in the toilet.

To everyone except Democrat Party groupie-for-life Donna Brazile, Biden was almost certainly done for. He was clearly not competent. But who could replace him on the ticket?

He can’t resign now because even diehard Democrats would not want VP Kamala Harris to become president for a weekend.

Would Biden accept the nomination for president at the convention and then retire and let his party come up with a new candidate who’s willing to lose to Trump?

Gavin Newsom? Gretchen Whitmer? How about the nightmare of Hillary?

Whatever bad happens to the Democrats in the fall will be well-deserved.

Biden was hung out to dry in front of millions by his party’s leaders, his Obama team handlers, and his loving wife.

They knew he was doomed to fail in a televised debate with Trump. They’ve known for years exactly how diminished Joe Biden is.

They and their partners in the liberal media have been pretending for three years that he is still the old Joe Biden.

He never was – and now the whole world knows it.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Maddow and Behar want four more years – for Trump

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Who do the liberal ladies of “The View” think they’re kidding?

This week Joy Behar and her ragged troop of pretend political pundits were again acting terrified by the specter of Donald Trump – aka, Adolf Hitler 2.0 – returning to power this fall.

Behar, who used to be a comedian, was as serious as an insurrection.

She and her Tuesday show’s special guest, none other than MSNBC’s insufferable St. Rachel Maddow, worried that if Trump is elected again he would take revenge on them and take their shows off the air.

Or sic the IRS on them. Or worse. Make them watch “Hannity” every night.

Maddow, who has done more to degrade the value of a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford than any American since Bill Clinton, really let her sloppy journalism hang out when she made up this quote from Trump.

She said, “I think it’s bad to have somebody saying, ‘Give me as much power as you can in this country so I can use it to go after other Americans, so I can use it to go after these subhuman internal enemies and I will destroy them.’

“That’s just not a good system for anybody, and I don’t think anybody is safe if that’s the sort of basis on which he wants to get more power.”

Maddow, Behar and the other victims of Trump derangement syndrome in charge of the liberal media sphere constantly slime Trump as a wannabe dictator.

Too blind to see that Biden has actually been doing all the tyrannical things she imagines Trump will do, Maddow recently said to CNN’s Oliver Darcy that she was worried Trump would send people like her to “a massive” camp.

You wish, Rachel. So do the suits at MSNBC.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Maddow and fake journalists like her are secretly praying for a return to power of Donald Trump.

I think she secretly hopes he will do the same banana-republic-type things Democrat presidents like to do, whether it’s using the IRS, the FBI and the CIA as political weapons or finding new ways to put their Republican opponents in jail.

Even Maddow and Behar have come to realize by now that the more the Biden administration and the liberal media go after Trump in underhanded and partisan ways, the higher his polls go.

Trump has been charged with crimes invented by corrupt local Democrat district attorneys and judges who’ve dragged him into kangaroo courts, slapped him with gag orders, forced him to post a $175 million bail and convicted him of three dozen low-level felonies.

But he hasn’t been hurt with voters. In fact, it’s the reverse.

The more Trump’s political enemies go after him, the more they try to prevent him even from campaigning, the more popular he’s gotten with his MAGA base, independents and minorities.

Maddow, Behar and their ilk on MSNBC and CNN desperately need Trump to be elected. They know the future of their shows is threatened far more by the decline of their ratings than four more years of President Trump.

To survive, they need to become victims of Trump – to become political martyrs. They yearn for it. They want mugshots of their own. Their careers and their wallets depend on it.

In fact, I bet Maddow has already started daydreaming about doing her show from inside an American gulag while her distraught fans protest at the gate in their “Free Rachel” t-shirts.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Joe Biden is the better dictator

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

So I turn on the news ….

We’ve got wars raging in Ukraine and Israel.

We’ve got nuke-carrying Russian warships visiting Cuba.

We’ve got 4,000 illegal immigrants a day crossing our Southern border.

We’ve got eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS arrested last weekend in New York, Philadelphia and here in Los Angeles.

We’ve got pro-Palestinian and antisemitic protestors making trouble on our college campuses, surrounding the White House, blocking traffic and making plans for disrupting the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19.

Then I take a spin around my hometown ….

You’ve got 75,000 homeless people on the sidewalks of L.A. County – up almost 10 percent from last year.

You’ve got local gun stores sold out and more women than ever going to shooting ranges.

You’ve got some people in my neighborhood building six-foot high walls around their homes. No razor wire on top, yet.

All these social and economic problems and many, many more are everywhere you look in Year Three of Joe Biden’s broke and broken America.

Yet the Democrats and their deranged cheerleaders in the media keep warning us that if Donald Trump is elected this fall, it’ll be just like electing Hitler.

They’ve actually convinced themselves that America will be destroyed by four more years of Trumpism.

They truly believe we’ll lose our democracy. The land of the free will become a dictatorship and Trump will become the fascist despot he always wanted to be in his first term but somehow never got around to becoming.

They truly believe that Trump 2.0 will mis-use the justice system and the FBI to attack his political enemies.

That he’ll throw Rachel Maddow in a concentration camp with the rest of the legacy liberal media that has abused him for eight years.

That he’ll deport millions of the fake asylum seekers and their children whom Biden and his open-door immigration policies invited here from around the world.

And for good measure, they fear Herr Trump would choose Sean Hannity as his VP and appoint RFK Jr. to head the CDC and the FDA.

I’m really sorry, Democrats, there’s no vaccine for your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But as far as I can tell, thanks to your “Big Guy” Joe Biden and his caretakers, our democracy is pretty well on its way down the drain already.

For three and half years Democrats and their flunkeys in the biased media have made it clear they hate Trump more than they hate lawfare and injustice.

They hate him more than they hate government tyranny and stupidity. More than they hate federal censorship and unconstitutionality. More than they hate biased and unfair journalism.

I live in California, a one-party state Democrats have spent four decades wrecking.

It’s where the virtue-signalers who run San Francisco recently surprised no one by unanimously declaring it a “sanctuary city” for transgender and non-binary people.

What’s left, San Fran? A sanctuary city for members of Hamas? Drug cartel soldiers?

Seriously, the projectionists in the Democrat Party are worried about Trump doing exactly the undemocratic kind of things they’ve been doing since Biden was led into the Oval Office.

The Nov. 5 election can’t come quick enough for me. But the way things are going, I’m genuinely scared for the future of the country.

What happens if Biden wins? Will he think he has a mandate? Will he tell his tools in the justice department to double-down on his enemies?

And God forbid if Democrats win the House and the Senate.

My prayer is that America will wake up in time to throw the Democrats out of power in Washington – and in a few deep Blue States like New York.

The Democrats’ prayer is that America will stay asleep.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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A bad week for the Biden Clan

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

It was a good week for the Reagan family.

Not so much for the Biden clan.

On Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where my father is buried, there was a fine ceremony to mark the 20th year of his passing and recall the conservative principles that powered his domestic and foreign successes.

And on Thursday, when the library marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it also celebrated the famous speech my father gave 40 years ago when he traveled to Normandy to honor the brave Americans who hit the beaches on June 6, 1944.

Meanwhile, it was a bad week for the Biden family – in court and in the legacy media.

Hunter was on trial in the Biden-friendly state of Delaware for lying on his gun application, which for him is like getting a federal parking ticket.

Don’t worry, Democrats. The multi-troubled first son – or any other member of the Biden Crime Family – is not likely to be found guilty of foreign influence peddling, tax evasion or anything serious.

He’ll never be charged by the Justice Department with 93 felonies or have to post a $50 million cash bond to stay out of a jail cell.

As for the Big Guy in the White House, he continued to be battered by the mainstream media, which may have turned on him.

After almost four years of hearing his presidential gaffes, garbled sentences and favorite lies about his past triumphs, some of his former friends and defenders in journalism have noticed what has been obvious to the rest of America for years.

Joe Biden is too old and too confused to function as a president.

The Wall Street Journal did a major behind-the-scenes piece about the sharp decline of Biden’s mental and physical state.

A chorus of Democrats and Biden partisans in the media tried to say the Journal’s article was a Republican hit piece. Joe Scarborough practically had an on-air stroke.

But the Journal’s reporting and cover story about Biden in Time exposed the cruel truth.

Our president is unable to hold a thought, answer a reporter’s question or explain any of the disastrous domestic or foreign policies that the people behind him are dreaming up for him and loading into his teleprompters.

Time said it “lightly edited” the often-incomprehensible transcript of its softball interview with Biden, which raises suspicions.

And the magazine did not release the audio of the interview, which pretty much confirms all those suspicions.

Like the Justice Department’s recent refusal to release the audio recording of Biden’s two-day interview with special counsel Robert Hur, Time’s audio is no doubt being suppressed because it was too damning and too embarrassing.

The worst mistake President Biden made this week, though, was his executive order to “fix” the mass invasion of illegal immigrants that he created in 2021 with his previous executive decisions.

The proclamation Biden signed on Tuesday temporarily stops granting asylum to migrants if illegal crossings pass a certain average number per day. Exceptions include permanent U.S. residents and unaccompanied children.

There are all kinds of crazy bureaucratic and legal rules in the order about when the restrictions are to be discontinued or resumed.

But basically up to 2,500 illegal migrants a day (75,000 a month) can now come in through the official ports of entry.

There are lots of questions about this supposed fix: How will the Border Patrol count the illegal migrants? What about gotta-ways? Are the new rules going to incentivize the trafficking of unaccompanied kids?

The left thinks Biden’s fix is too mean to genuine asylum seekers.

The right thinks it’s not a solution and just an election year pander to Democrat and independent voters who are sensible enough to worry about the harm our wide-open border is doing to the entire country.

The good news is, Biden’s fix is almost certain to be stopped by the courts, so in the real world it’ll actually fix nothing – exactly what it’s intended to do.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Democrats go on trial in November

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Mark my words.

Democrats will be sorry on Nov. 5 because of what they did this week in New York City.

They and their friends in the liberal media can whoop it up and high-five each all they want over the guilty verdicts Donald Trump got on Thursday in his hush money trial.

But in the fall voters will have the chance to express how they feel about the destructive things the Biden Administration was willing to do to our legal system to try to defeat Trump.

The verdicts against Trump were no surprise to anyone who’s been following his kangaroo trial for the last five weeks.

The trial was concocted and staged by state and local Democrat lawyers who brazenly stretched, twisted and abused the legal system for purely political reasons.

What the Democrats did in public view, and with little criticism from the drooling liberal legacy media, is called “lawfare.”

The use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize a political opponent, is how Wikipedia defines it.

Nice guys like Stalin basically invented the tactic in the 1930s to make it look like the show trials of their already doomed political enemies were following the letter of Soviet law.

For five weeks the liberal media watched the unprecedented lawfare Democrats were waging against Trump, but they didn’t care.

They wouldn’t point out how dangerous going after a former president was to the entire justice system because they hate Trump more than they hate injustice.

It will disappoint a lot of Democrats that Trump was not summarily executed by a firing squad on Thursday, but it won’t disappoint the deranged liberal pundits on MSNBC and CNN.

They want Trump to live forever.

Without Trump being on trial in a kangaroo court somewhere, they’d have nothing to “pundit” about all day. They might even have to start talking about how feeble, confused and dangerous Joe Biden has become.

The Democrat district attorney in New York, like his partisan peers in Atlanta and Miami, did the political dirty work their national party thinks is necessary to keep Biden in the White House for another four years.

But Democrats are dreaming.

Abusing Trump in court only made him stronger – boosting him in the polls, solidifying his loyalists and bringing more support from black men and Latinos.

The tactics of the Democrat prosecutors and a Trump-hating judge were so glaringly unfair they turned Trump into a martyr, a victim of a political hit job. Even a few CNN pundits raised doubts about the legality of the case.

Trump was found guilty of 34 low-level felony charges. He wasn’t cuffed, stuffed into an orange jumpsuit and delivered to Riker’s Island, as his haters hoped.

He’s still a free man, out on bail and able to campaign until his sentencing on July 11. He faces probation to up to four years in jail. Whatever his sentence is, he’s certain to appeal.

Putting Trump on trial will change the court system forever. From now on, using the justice system to go after an ex-president or your future political opponents will be fair game.

Democrats are too deranged to foresee that Republicans might use lawfare to get even the next time they have a chance.

So look out, Joe Biden. In 3½ years you’ve wrecked America in too many ways to count.

After you’re thrown out of the White House, the justice department you have weaponized might be turned on you. And you’ll be prosecuted for more serious crimes than bad bookkeeping.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Saluting America’s champions

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

We can argue forever about left-right politics and why the country is going to ruin.

But it is Memorial Day weekend.

Let’s forget the endless political warfare being waged in Washington, D.C.

It’s time to honor and mourn all the American military men and women who died while serving in the United States armed forces.

They are the ones whose sacrifices made it possible for us to debate and bicker so freely.

They are the heroes who fought in the battles that allow us to be the great country we are today.

And it is on this weekend that we really need to remember them and thank them for paying the ultimate price to keep us free.

I know many heroic war stories. As I wrote recently, I learned them on any given Saturday morning while sitting in the right-front seat of a station wagon as my father drove me to his Malibu ranch.

My father never forgot our fallen military heroes and he knew how to honor them with beautiful words and powerful deeds.

Forty years ago he was the first president to go to the coast of Normandy to commemorate the Americans who landed on the beaches of France in 1944 on D-Day and helped “to free a continent.”

In his speech to World War II veterans on June 6, 1984, he called “the boys of Pointe du Hoc” who so bravely “took the cliffs” from the Germans “champions” and said they knew why they were fighting.

“You all knew that some things are worth dying for,” he said.

“One’s country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny …”

It’s fitting that “champions” from all our wars will be honored this weekend at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.

But you don’t have to be a president to pay your respects to the Americans who fought and died in World War II or in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.

You can do what my son Cameron does every year – make this weekend a history lesson for your family.

Take your kids to a cemetery on Memorial Day. Look at gravesites flying American flags. Explain who the soldiers and sailors were and where they fought and died.

Do some research on Google and find the story of a local Medal of Honor recipient from “the Greatest Generation” and tell your kids of his bravery.

And don’t forget those sons and daughters who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Even if you disagree 100 percent with the war they were sent overseas by politicians to fight in, it was their call to duty and they took the oath.

People always ask me what they can do year-round to honor the current generation of men and women in uniform.

I tell them that if you walk into a restaurant and see a member of the military, buy them lunch or dinner and say “thank you.”

When I’m flying, because I fly in business first class, if I see a military guy get on the plane, many times I stand up and say, “Hey, thank you. You sit here and give me your ticket.”

As my father taught me, and as my son teaches his kids, it’s really not that hard to honor or thank America’s champions.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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It’s all about Nov. 5, America

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

What’s happening on CNN and MSNBC is disgusting, but not surprising.

Some of their so-called pundits and reporters have been downright giddy while watching Donald Trump on trial in New York City.

They think that the New York DA’s office is doing God’s work, not Joe Biden’s.

They love watching lying lowlifes like porn star Stormy Daniels and Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen testifying against the ex-president.

It doesn’t matter to losers like Joe & Mika and Jen Psaki that the Democrats are using the Justice Department as a weapon to interfere with Trump’s ability to raise money and campaign.

They think it’s funny to joke about what prison Trump would look good in – Ryker’s Island or one in Cuba, maybe?

In their holy war to prevent Trump from returning to the White House, the unethical partisans in the liberal media believe no political trick is dirty enough or no blow is low enough.

As we’ve seen, any means is fair and justified when it comes to defeating Trump and making him pay for Jan. 6, 2021.

For Democrats and the liberal media, Jan. 6 is the day that lives in their deranged heads forever.

It’s the day they truly believe American democracy came just a few MAGA hats away from being wiped out and replaced by a Trump dictatorship.

I don’t give a damn anymore about Jan. 6.

It was more than three years ago. It was a bad thing, a dumb thing, a riot that could have been prevented. But it wasn’t an armed “insurrection” – and it’s over.

The Republic still stands – and the greatest threat to its health today is four more years of Joe Biden.

His trillion-dollar spending sprees and his inflationary monetary policy are eroding our purchasing power. His open-door immigration policies are suicidal. His two proxy wars overseas are dangerous to us and the rest of the world.

At home, people are not feeling safe on the streets. Illegal immigrants and the homeless live on our sidewalks and crowd our hotels. Pro-Palestine protests and riots are disrupting college campuses.

I’m much more worried about a rerun of 2020’s “Summer of Love” deadly riots this summer than another Jan. 6 or an imaginary Trump dictatorship.

Donald Trump, like it or not, hate him or not, is the only person who can save America from Bidenism and it’s time all Republicans get behind him.

Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, who still aren’t endorsing Trump, might believe he’s destroying the Republican Party.

But Biden is destroying the United States. Not to mention Ukraine, Israel and God knows how many other countries we don’t know about yet.

Do I wish there was somebody else out there who might win the GOP nomination? Maybe.

We all know Trump is not perfect. We know what he is by now – a brash, boorish New York City businessman and disruptive politician whose personal morals are as loose as his tongue.

But we also know what he’ll do as president because he’s already shown us.

For four years he did three important things Biden and his crew could not do – he kept us out of foreign wars, didn’t wreck the economy and didn’t allow a mass invasion of illegals from around the world.

Sorry Haley and Christie, I’m going all the way with Trump in 2024. We’ll be able to rebuild the Republican Party he’s remade in his image. But if he loses I don’t know if we’ll be able to rebuild the United States of America.

It looks now like Biden and Trump will have two one-on-one debates on CNN, one in June and one in September.

They might never happen, but if they do, they’ll just be just another media sideshow.

The only thing that can stop the political madness that’s wrecking our country will be the elections of Nov. 5. I pray to God a majority of voters understand that.

Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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