War and chaos: Top ten cartoons of the week

Last weekend, Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, killing more than 1,200 Israelis and igniting a new conflict in a region long torn by war and bloodshed. Meanwhile, back here in the U.S., Republicans remain unable to elect a Speaker of the House, which could impact our country’s ability to aid Israel, among other things.

All that to say it was a busy week for cartoonists, who also targeted their pens on the over-inflated price of housing and President Joe Biden’s sudden change of heart on Trump’s border wall.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. John Darkow

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#2. John Darkow

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#3. Chris Weyant

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#4. Dave Whamond

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#5. Adam Zyglis

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#6. Jeff Koterba

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#7. Pat Bagley

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#8. Rick McKee

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#9. Dave Granlund

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#10. Dave Whamond

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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The Taylor Swift effect: Top ten cartoons of the week

There must be a number of Swifties working as editors, because for the second straight week, a number of our Taylor Swift cartoons were reprinted widely across the country.

The interest in cartoons about Swift wasn’t because of a lack of news. This week, we had Republicans removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House and the death of Dianne Feinsteen, who represented California in the U.S. Senate for more than three decades. Oh, and the writers’ strike finally ended.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Jeff Koterba

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#2. Jeff Koterba

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#3. Pat Bagley

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#4. Gary McCoy

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#5. Dave Whamond

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#6. Bob Englehart

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#7. John Darkow

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#8. Adam Zyglis

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#9. Chris Weyant

[download cartoon]

#10. John Darkow

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Swiftie fall: Top ten cartoons of the week

Did you hear Taylor Swift just might be dating Super Bowl champ Travis Kelce? The news was plastered everywhere this past week, so I commend you if the dating habits of two famous 30-year-olds somehow passed you by. 

I enjoyed Rick McKee’s cartoon about the Swift-Kelce hoopla, which juxtaposes celebrity gossip with all the real issues our country faces.

The most popular cartoon this week was Rivers’ take on the beautiful colors of fall. It’s hard to believe we’re just three months away from 2024. Guess I should enjoy the quiet before the election really gets underway.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Rivers

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#2. Rick McKee

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#3. Rick McKee

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#4. Ed Wexler

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#5. Dave Whamond

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#6. Dave Granlund

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#7. Chris Weyant

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#8. R.J. Matson

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#9. Frank Hansen

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#10. Rick McKee

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.


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Impeachment insanity: Top ten cartoons of the week

Congress is back in session, and Republicans are focusing their efforts on an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, despite the last of evidence linking him to the business dealings of his son, Hunter. 

Complicating matters is the need for Congress to pass a spending bill to prevent a government shutdown, which could happen as soon as the end of next week. It all may be bad for the country, but at least it’s allowing cartoonists to create some funny and pointed work.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Whamond

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#2. Dave Granlund

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#3. Dave Whamond

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#4. Jeff Koterba

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#5. Jeff Koterba

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#6. Chris Weyant

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#7. Guy Parsons

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#8. John Darkow

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#9. Dave Whamond

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#10. R.J. Matson

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Pumpkin spice: Top ten cartoons of the week

It’s the middle of September, or as it’s become known across the U.S. – pumpkin spice season. 

That’s when everything from coffee to Oreos to scented candles roll out pumpkin spice-flavored versions of their favorite products. At the top of the list is the Pumpkin Spice Latte, which turns 20 this year after being introduced by Starbucks in 2003.

Rick McKee’s cartoon about our obsession with all thinks pumpkin was easily our most reprinted cartoon this week. Here are the rest of our top ten reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Rick McKee

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#2. Jeff Koterba

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#3. R.J. Matson

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#4. John Darkow

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#5. Rick McKee

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#6. Pat Byrnes

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#7. John Cole

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#8. Dave Granlund

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#9. Bob Englehart

[download cartoon]

#10. Dave Granlund

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Covid is back: Top ten cartoons of the week

How many people do you know have tested positive for COVID in the past month? Despite our best attempts to move on in recent years, the infectious disease continues to adapt and impact Americans across the country. It should be an interesting fall and winter.

Cartoonists also mourned the loss of Jimmy Buffett this week, with a couple of cartoons being the most popular among editors. I personally liked Bill Day’s quiet cartoon featuring a margarita glass topped with a rim of salt. Seems fitting for the musician probably best known for his hit 1977 song, “Margaritaville.”

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Rivers

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#2. Doug Plante

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#3. Bill Day

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#4. Bob Englehart

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#5. Jeff Koterba

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#6. Bruce Plante

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#7. Jeff Koterba

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#8. Chris Weyant

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#9. Pat Byrnes

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#10. Dick Wright

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Labor Day and football: Top ten cartoons of the week

After what felt like a fast-moving summer, Labor Day is finally here. Considering how much editors love holiday cartoons, it’s not surprising Dave Granlund’s timely cartoon mashing the holiday with all the crazy weather we’ve experience the past few months was easily our most-reprinted cartoon this week.

Labor Day also means the return of college football and the NFL, so a couple of pigskin cartoons were widely reprinted this week.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Granlund

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#2. Jeff Koterba

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#3. Rick McKee

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#4. Guy Parsons

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#5. John Darkow

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#6. Jeff Koterba

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#7. Jeff Koterba

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#8. Pat Bagley

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#9. Dave Whamond

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#10. Adam Zyglis

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Back to school: Top 10 cartoons of the week

Is it that time of year already?

Back to school cartoons were popular with editors this week. I chuckled at Bruce Plante’s cartoon juxtaposing a frowning kid with a smiling parent, a sentiment I’m sure many families relate to after spending the entire summer with their children.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Granlund

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#2. Bruce Plante

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#3. Rick McKee

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#4. Gary McCoy

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#5. John Darkow

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#6. Chris Weyant

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#7. Bruce Plante

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#8. Rick McKee

[download cartoon]

#9. Jeff Koterba

[download cartoon]

#10. Rick McKee

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Computer drivers: Top ten cartoons of the week

With all the talk of automation and A.I., it’s funny to think that driverless cars have been zipping around San Francisco for the last few years.

Last week, the California Public Utilities Commission voted to give the two companies who run the automated cars permission to offer rides throughout San Francisco anytime during the day.

That doesn’t mean the technology is perfect. Just this week, an autonomous vehicles drove into wet cement at a city paving project, making Dave Whamond’s cartoon about driverless cars and traffic lights oddly prophetic.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Whamond

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#2. Pat Bagley

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#3. Frank Hansen

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#4. Dave Whamond

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#5. Pat Bagley

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#6. Gary McCoy

[download cartoon]

#7. Gary McCoy

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#8. Rick McKee

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#9. Dave Granlund

[download cartoon]

#10. Dave Granlund

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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Polls, polls, polls! Top ten cartoons of the week

The first Republican presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle is later this month, and not a day goes by without the release of a new poll. Donald Trump has a wide lead over his fellow Republicans, Ron DeSantis continues to shed support, Mike Pence… well, the less said about his poll numbers, the better.

Bob Englehart had our most popular cartoon this week, a funny jab at the omnipresence of polling data as we crawl towards the election. It’s only going to get worse from here.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Bob Englehart

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#2. Jeff Koterba

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#3. Dave Whamond

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#4. Dave Whamond

[download cartoon]

#5. Jeff Koterba

[download cartoon]

#6. Jeff Koterba

[download cartoon]

#7. John Darkow

[download cartoon]

#8. Dave Whamond

[download cartoon]

#9. Jeff Koterba

[download cartoon]

#10. Jeff Koterba

[download cartoon]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of Cagle.com and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: DarylCagle.com. See all of the cartoons at Cagle.com.

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