Tariffs for China

In the crush of cartoons criticizing President Trump for his trade war with China, I haven’t noticed any that are supportive of Trump’s tariffs. Trump’s promises about tariffs and renegotiating more favorable trade agreements around the world were a driving force in his election. Frankly, I don’t mind the tariffs and the approach.  I consider this to be a mildly pro-Trump cartoon.

China had all they wanted in their trade relationship with the USA; Trump’s tariffs give China new and different things they want from America, that Trump should be willing to give up. That’s a negotiating tactic I see all the time as an artist working with businesses, but it seems to be lost on the pundits.

And I love drawing Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh – I’m going to stick with that. Here’s an earlier one.


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Shame on You, Melania

First Lady Melania Trump is known for her sophisticated fashion choices. When she went on a recent visit to see facilities holding illegal immigrant children she chose to wear a jacket imprinted with the words: “I REALLY DON’T CARE  DO U?”

This led to lots of media speculation about whether she thought about the message on the jacket, whether the jacket reflected her own views on the subject of her trip, or whether it was a message to president Trump – who later tweeted that it was a message about the fake news media.

And it looks like I gave Melania two left hands. Sorry about that. I get mail when I do that.

Don’t miss our collections on Trump and Immigration on Cagle.com:




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Trump ‘n Kim Summit

There are so many great quotes between Trump and l’il Kim that I thought it would be fun to draw the best quotes into a thinking cartoon.

I know. I know. Wordy cartoons are bad. But I didn’t write this one, and the words are crazy!

I think I’ll start drawing l’il Kim with devil horn hair from now on.

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Carrot and Stick

It looks like the on again, off again summit is North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is on again. Trump seems very motivated to have the meeting after cancelling the meeting a few days ago, leading me to draw a cartoon last week that probably didn’t get printed much.

This is an old standard, but it is fun to draw. We have a great section up on Cagle.com about Trump chasing the Nobel Peace Prize – my favorite is this one by Austrian cartoonist, Marian Kamensky:

This one is also a charmer, by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

For any “carrot and stick” fans out there, don’t miss my Wall Street Coloring book!

What a great Fathers Day present this book is! Dad will be busy coloring evil Wall Street crooks all Summer!

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Wonderful Dialogue

Donald Trump called off the planned meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un yesterday because of a typical, belligerent statement from North Korea. It was probably a good move to call off the summit; now North Korea is pushing for a new summit instead of the USA being the eager one, which is probably a strategic necessity. Unlike many in the media, I liked the letter that Trump wrote to L’il Kim, especially Trump’s line, “I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me.”

Since I’m cool with Trump’s response, I considered this to be one my my rare pro-Trump cartoons –but my drawing of Trump is unflattering so I doubt that the Trumpettes would see this cartoon as pro-Trump. We have a “Trump Friendly Cartoons” section on the front page of CagleCartoons.com and I didn’t put this one there –there’s just too much anti-Trump flavor, even in my pro-Trump cartoons.

It has taken me a long time to develop a Trump caricature that I’m happy with. Cartoonists are still all over the map on the way they draw Trump, but the long red tie has come to be a common device among almost all of the editorial cartoonists. I love the long, red tie.

Here are some of my “summit called off” cartoon favorites that came in today; this one is by Nate Beeler of the Columbus Dispatch:

This one is by Stephane Peray from Thailand:

This one is by Marian Kamensky from Austria:

This one is by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

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Wonderful Dialogue

Donald Trump called off the planned meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un yesterday because of a typical, belligerent statement from North Korea. It was probably a good move to call off the summit; now North Korea is pushing for a new summit instead of the USA being the eager one, which is probably a strategic necessity. Unlike many in the media, I liked the letter that Trump wrote to L’il Kim, especially Trump’s line, “I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me.”

Since I’m cool with Trump’s response, I considered this to be one my my rare pro-Trump cartoons –but my drawing of Trump is unflattering so I doubt that the Trumpettes would see this cartoon as pro-Trump. We have a “Trump Friendly Cartoons” section on the front page of CagleCartoons.com and I didn’t put this one there –there’s just too much anti-Trump flavor, even in my pro-Trump cartoons.

It has taken me a long time to develop a Trump caricature that I’m happy with. Cartoonists are still all over the map on the way they draw Trump, but the long red tie has come to be a common device among almost all of the editorial cartoonists. I love the long, red tie.

Here are some of my “summit called off” cartoon favorites that came in today; this one is by Nate Beeler of the Columbus Dispatch:

This one is by Stephane Peray from Thailand:

This one is by Marian Kamensky from Austria:

This one is by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

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