Bad choices: Top ten cartoons of the week

by Daryl Cagle
We've know for a long time the 2024 presidential election was likely to come down to Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump, a choice no one really seems too psyched about making.

Give Chris Weyant credit for coming up with a funny spin on the election with a cartoon featuring a ballot saying the obvious. In fact, several cartoons about the Biden vs. Trump rematch landed on this week's Top 10 list.

But our most popular cartoon was Dave Granlund's take on the country's immigration problem, another issue that has lingered long enough it's almost boring to draw about. The State of Liberty holding a Do Not Enter sign does sadly seem appropriate for the times.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Granlund

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#2. Chris Weyant

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#3. Dick Wright

[cartoon id="283531"]

#4. Jeff Koterba

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#5. Gary McCoy

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#6. John Darkow

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#7. Jeff Koterba

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#8. Dave Whamond

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#9. Dave Granlund

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#10. Chris Weyant

[cartoon id="283508"]

Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 500 subscribing newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at and watch his video podcast about editorial cartoons at