Memorial Day: Top ten cartoons of the week

by Daryl Cagle
Dave Granlund's simple, poignant Memorial Day cartoon was our most-reprinted cartoon this week, as we had into a weekend of remembrance and barbecues. 

Editors also liked several of our cartoons on the looming debt ceiling crisis, as lawmakers leave Washington, D.C. to enjoy their holiday weekend without a resolution in place. Nice work if you can get it.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Dave Granlund

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#2. Jeff Koterba

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#3. Rick McKee

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#4. Bob Englehart

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#5. Frank Hansen

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#6. Jeff Koterba

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#7. John Darkow

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#8. Rick McKee

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#9. Frank Hansen

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#10. Dick Wright 

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Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: See all of the cartoons at