Baby New Year: Top ten cartoons of the week

by Daryl Cagle
We're closing in on the end of another year, which means newspaper editors want cartoons featuring Father Time and Baby New Year.

But our most popular cartoon over the past week is Jeff Koterba's one-two punch about low temperature and high heating bills smacking people across the country.

Here are our top ten most reprinted cartoons of the week:

#1. Jeff Koterba

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#2. Bob Englehart

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#3. Dave Granlund

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#4. Dick Wright

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#5. Rivers

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#6. Dick Wright

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#7. Dave Whamond

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#8. Monte Wolverton

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#9. Gary McCoy

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#10. Jeff Koterba

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Daryl Cagle is the publisher of and owner of Cagle Cartoons, Inc, a syndicate that distributes editorial cartoons and columns to over 700 newspapers. See Daryl’s blog at: See all of the cartoons at